The Top Colors to Avoid

It’s become the height of fashion to paint your house in the latest, most “trendy” colors – especially now that Pantone has released its “color of the year” (the barf-tastic “marsala,” which looks like a cross between dried blood and Cream of Wheat). However, there are some colors that you absolutely need to avoidwhen painting your house. Here, in no particular order, are the top colors to avoid:

China White: this color is considered a “nice” alternative to a “boring” white type (like, well, “simply white”) but China White (which gets its name from the “bone china,” made from natural Earth) looks dingy and dirty.

“Greige”: this color – a combination of grey and beige – was an interior designer’s go-to color for a little while at the turn of the 21st Century. However, this color only serves to make a bright home look darker.

Chocolate Brown: it’s bold! It’s brave! It’s trendy! It…looks like dog poo. Yuck.

Faux Finishes: this trend had a huge hold on the market for a few years back in the 1990’s, but today, it looks dated. Besides, even the most creative of “faux finish” types couldn’t get the walls to look precisely like marble.

All White Kitchens: sometimes it works…but most times, it doesn’t. There are plenty of neutral colors to pick from – such as beige, tan, and brown – that will work just as well in the kitchen without making your kitchen look like a hospital hallway.

These are just a few of the many examples of colors you shouldn’t be using in your home. Of course, the list could go on for miles…but we’d like to turn it over to you! What are some of the worst colors that you’ve seen? What colors shouldn’t you put in your house? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!